Andrew -- or Andi

I titled my post as such because as I was changing from Chic to "manChic" I noted that this works quite nicely as Tomboy or Androgen attire. That may have certainly flavored my finished styling which turned out to be a tad on the femboy side. Y Chromosome he men need never fear. Different accessories and you would look as manly as needed :D.
This is a very interesting release, not only for it's ability to span genders (there are of course no BREASTS inherent in this one piece fitmesh garment). One size fits all is pretty much the deal which means it works with all those non-supported mesh bodies like the current free altamura all in one male body (previously featured a few times).
Various jacket tones are available and with them comes a hud to change pants and shirt in a variety of colors and some patterns. This is an easy garment to wear. The altamura body is free (well $10 group) and also about the easiest to use I have seen. Put them together and it could be makeover time for you or you favorite "oh he SO needs a new look" friend.
The -:zk:- ZaraKent Shoes & Accessories Andrew set is available at Cosmopolitan. The outfit comes with long pants or with short pants to push into the Andres boots which I featured a few days ago.
Accessories include:
Petite Mort- Boho scarf w/HUD FITMESH
This was the first time I have used the altamura facial pose hud (comes free with body) and I was very impressed.
Photo taken at Neverfar.
Pose by: Diesel Works [nla]