Building Bridges

For those of you nearing or past the decade mark, memories of Lucky Chairs are likely part of your SL history. One of the more popular forms of gift acquisition, the high quality arenas were often filled to capacity. Yes, it was laggy, but also great fun. Sometimes the chairs would be so full, they were difficult to see. Happily the iconic red furniture boosted winners off in time for the next claimant.
Those days are mostly gone now. Boards replaced chairs long ago. Group gifts have become the freebie hunters rewards. But, for those of you into nostalgia -- as well as some stylish bootie, there is Scandallize. Expectant crowds gather to watch the letters and numbers change rapidly -- sometimes once a minute or so. If you are on the lucky side, your recent item folder can be filled in a hour.
Of the many well-made prizes, the Susan outfit in yellow (color change Hasley Heels from a nearby board can complete the outfit) is a favorite. A couple of my gal friends won it the other day. Easy Peasy.
Along with the boards and some stellar new group gifts, there is a whole wall of past gifts awaiting. The group carries a join fee currently, but that is waved often.
So put SCANDALIZE on your radar!
Poses by: LAP [nla]