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Alone Again

New releases, old favorites and a fun gift come together in this styling.


KUNGLERS - Aisha necklace with texture change hud - Cosmopolitan

ExXeSs  Hair - Elena


.:: New Line Store::.Natalia Outfit group gift on wall at the Fenix event.  This comes with boots, leg chains and choker in various mesh body fits.


KUNGLERS - Gigi bracelets (hidden by pose but there :D)
.::Nanika::. Flora Torso tattoo White

This Urban Backdrop alleyway is a new photo prop from MINIMAL at Uber (where you can now finally teleport in :D).  Super detailed and beautifully modeled it would be a great addition to any photo prop collection.  Not for the faint of heart land impact wise (191), it would also be a spectacular entry point for an urban role play sim. 

Pose by: aDORKable


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