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Black Friday and Beyond

A Black Friday outfit from Back In Time

If you are looking for Black Friday sales, there are SOME listed at here.   There are more of course and Seraphim also has a list at the top of today's page.  I am not all that big on sales. I looked through Amazon and didn't find a thing I couldn't live without LOL.  My advice would be to check your groups for sale info -- this assuming that you have some of them turned off like I do to keep the "clutter IMs" down. Those are likely the folks you buy from and it's more likely that you will -- well LIKE what is on sale *wink*. 

I have a couple of stores that I will be checking out that are NOT in my groups folder. Don't forget that Shop and Hop with lots of 50 percent off stores as well as lesser discounts of course -- will be opening soon.  

I will be among the stores this winter. I hadn't planned to submit my interest but boredom got the best of me. Then I found my snow plot and now I have been redoing old and favorite items for myself and those will be on sale at the event.  So a brief spurt of commercial enterprise for me; likely it will be the last for some months.  It has been fun though and along the way I found a couple of items that had disappeared from my inventory BUT were part of a coalesced take up from moving. That was exciting. 

There should be plenty of things to report on this December.   Meanwhile enjoy the sales in both virtual and corporeal life -- if that's your thing.    


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