On the Horizon
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Nutmeg. Winter Street Decoration Group Gift (free group) |
Holidays are coming up big time and that brings with it gift giving.
I am not planning on ADVENT reporting much this season but I will be posting event gifts, Shop and Hop presents, group gifts and more. If a friend pokes me you may see some guest models LOL.
So for your gathering pleasure be sure and check out the ADVENT listings.
Both teleporthub.com and FabFree have reached out to creators and have lists going; Seraphim also. There are likely to be places missing from their entries so keep your eyes out and of course check your groups.
The Holiday version of Shop and Hop opens on the first with a soft opening for Birthday group members the day before which is today (not when I am typing this though). The downside of early entry is that not everyone is ready and some gifts are not yet out or turned off. So these days with so many regions to visit it is pretty easy to get around on "opening day".
This round of Shop and Hop (and maybe Halloween as I wasn't there) creators have the ability to set their own EEPs. Currently the region default is very dark. If you are a cam shopper be sure and change your EEP to something friendly so that you can see into the different displays. OR you can walk into each display and hopefully the EEP will be set as the owner devised.
So get ready for some shopping and gathering!
And on the techie side of the news, the official Linden default viewer is now a PBR viewer. The official blog post is here.
There is also a new Firestorm viewer out; (read about it here). It is NOT A PBR viewer.
The last few days I have been getting some weird visuals when teleporting about, strange stretched triangles and such as things load. Likely that is code that the viewer isn't dealing with properly so FS folks may have to cope for awhile yet. I remember when both mesh and BOM came into the world and it was messy for some time.
Meanwhile and on an exciting note, the new FS viewer apparently has some code fixes with inventory management that will (hopefully) get some of our missing inventory back. Found items are supposed to show up in the Lost and Found folder, so take a look after you have updated.