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Brownstone Living

 Most of my virtual life I have lived in a rustic country setting -- unless of course I was just camped out on my building pad.  I do love quiet rural life. But a part of me feels the pull of the city, close neighborhoods and modern styles.   

My current pad is under the Gallery of Free Art. It is a long narrow space which I divided with some prim walls. 

The kitchen - dining area is sleek with minimal clutter and modern lines.  I grabbed a really nice kitchen from a Trompe Loeil house that I had marked "save for kitchen" (sometimes I am really smart).  

Many items came from my B&B Collaboration styling event last summer. Pieces already went well together so that saved a lot of time and I finally got to USE them  A couple of things I made like the very long credenza with art spaces.  

So this is a record of my new abode. It feels very "me" -- if only that city girl part. 


Shao said…
Such amazing work, you truly are an amazing talent.

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