Rituals - Shop and Hop
While an abundance of "kid stuff" is available at this moth's Shop and Hop event, finding more serious costumes was difficult. Add to the Lara - LaraX part of the equation and wonderful things get even more rare.
Happily there are a few BOM gifts and quite a few spooky eye makeups (on my personal want list). This outfit should work for anyone with BOM turned on; I am guessing that includes SENRA as well as other free bodies that have a BOM option.
Here are a few of my favorite gift from Shop and Hop == the dark side
Miamai_GoingBatty Top_Black
Miamai_GoingBatty HotPants_Black
She Said Destroy SSD. Fatal Earrings with hud
EITR - Sacrifice - Black - Full Body - No Face (a huge collection of different parts as well as face -- also "bloddy" version)
Knife Party // Amelia // Evo X // Gift // 5 (eyeshadow)
[Yomi] Vamp Hair - Group Gift