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Growing Old Gracefully

It is always a balancing act -- whether we are talking about our corporeal bodies or our choice of virtual life platforms. There are always choices. Money often figures in the picture -- not for everyone, but for many.   

Do we buy the new car or put money aside in case we get sick?  Do we move to a smaller house to save money and give up our history?  Do we help friends in need or try and take care of ourselves first?
So many questions and many not with good answers. 

It has been a really rough February so far. There have been plenty of personal messages from friends and acquaintances; those stories won't be appearing on these pages but they are definitely on my mind,

From the outside looking in with absolutely no "intel" or informant The Lab seems to be in turmoil.  Was it good to sell TILIA to a company that has many of  us pulling out our hair with some folks deeply disturbed over IRS issues? Hard to say. The grid is still here and working and WE (for the most part) are still here -- and sometimes working. Had LL kept TILIA and run it at a loss that may not have been the current state of affairs. 

Many of us are old.  If we are 20 SL years we have to be at LEAST 38. And a whole lot of us are way beyond that.  Are we doing well? Hopefully so. Has Second Life helped keep us lively and thinking and actively participating in "life"?  For the folks still here I am guessing that is a big yes. 

So while things DO seem very messy of late we can still be thankful that we are able to log in each day. 

And perhaps that is enough.  


Ryan Schultz said…
Well said, Chic! And I agee; I am just EXHAUSTED lately. SL is still my refuge of choice for when real life gets crazy.

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