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Let's Hear It for Romance

Shop and Hope is open for the Valentine's Celebration and while there are way too many hearts (OH SO MANY HEARTS) and an abundance of cutesy things (which may be your thing but likely not if you are reading this blog) there are some lovely romantic and fun gifts for the season.  

The !dM deviousMind "Aurora" **VALENTINE SHOP&HOP 2025** dress is yummy  and perfect for Spring. The gift comes in LaraX as well as Lara legacy and Reborn.  There are of course a few extra piecs and you can omit the flower cap sleeves if you prefer.  

My hair is the 02 - MINA Hair - Mesh SCALP no. 02 [Lelutka 01] along with the 03 - MINA Hair - Bangs NO. 03 - RIGGED [ADD]. There are other fits and versions to choose from. This is actually a pigtail style but that did so not go with the satin dress.   It comes ONLY in the color.  If you like peach it may be a perfect addition to your wardrobe. 

My backdrop is the Make a Mark - Lovers bench v2

Poses by: SE Motion and Eternal Dream


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