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Going Rogue

This from my "drafts folder from 2015:

*Going Rogue*

I was thinking as I woke up this morning -- way too early, perhaps anxious to being my day -- how much my life has changed since coming to Opensim. In many ways I am the happiest and _best_ that I have ever been. That "I" is both Chic and her typist.

There is a freedom here. Yes, the prims are bigger and smaller, the spaces vast; but it is more of an energetic quality than a measurable quantity. The air feels fresher, the sun brighter.

I have done my best work here, learning new skills because I needed things I could not buy, turning my workflow upside down to find new and better methods to achieve my goals.

I am a rule follower by nature. The fact that I am most likely wearing a stolen skin has not escaped me. I have learned to adapt to a different world with slightly different rules. I don't always look to closely. I make compromises easier.  I have formed attachments and spent time giving back to the community who often shares their work openly. I am, indeed, a different me -- a better me.

So a thank you to all the folks that have been part of my personal growth. There are new things on the horizon, I can feel them out there. And in Opensim the horizons stretch forever. 


PS.  Ten years later I am MOSTLY "legal so far as my avatar enhancements.  The items that I believe "may" be stolen I have done my best to ferret out the creator (some are gone now) and "paid" for my OS head and hair in SL with a "tip".  That is what I was doing when I found the nostalgic "Bad Panda" graphic.  Honestly that is the best I could do.  

My new three layer region which is getting crammed with stuff is 99 percent ALL mine. Some great trees from a guy from France long ago and a couple of legal downloaded vehicle gifts, but the rest I was able to make. So my conscience is pretty light these days.   

I am working hard "there" and watching "here" and will be interested to see what the next couple of years brings.   I enjoy walking around the sim and there are different levels so that's lots of walking. And I have to say I enjoy the look of PBR -- without any PBR textures :D.  All good. 

I THINK the shoe pictured are from Baiastice from long ago -- also going on with the Fantasy theme that keeps cropping up these days.  


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