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Happy Anniversary Retrology: Part 2

If you missed Part 1 of this post, it is HERE.

It's a new dawn and the early morning brought with it even more wonderful goodies. Here are a few. This is not ALL of the offerings, just a sampling. There are also some non-wearable items. So journey over to Retrology and have some fun. And be sure and EXPLORE while you are there. Much to see.

EDIT: I notice from this morning's posts on the feed that there have been more gifts added that weren't there on my visit. So if you were an early adventurer like me, you might want to return. You can see them all HERE. (NOW I find out! - LOL) I still had a GREAT time with all the cute locations. Thanks to all the designers who took part!

Shoes by Juicy, Poses by LAP, Hair by Diversity.

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