Global Domination - Passports
Lots of things are on my mind this morning as I head back to Marketplace MigrationLand. Yep, an op ed piece is in the works.
In case you missed the announcement yesterday (and I did), there is a new game within the game and goodies to be had. I had to smile and some of you oldsters will join along; marketing models begin, get popular and then multiply. We see it all the time in our mini-planet called Second Life. So it isn't surprising that there is a new kid on the block in adventure game hunting.
Global Domination-Passports features some top designers, many of whom are featured on the blog. The fairly steep price for the HUD is offset a bit with the incentive gifts from the vendors selling the HUDs, a creative and welcome bonus. I have no idea how the vendor portion of the game works, but hopefully those making the sure to be great prizes get a chunk of the upfront dinero. All good.
The downside for me and most likely others is that this isn't really a paid hunt like some of the $10 and $20 versions we see out there. It is a commitment of time (the informational notecard that arrives by clicking on the hud vendors hints at a very, VERY long time -- making the other popular adventure hunt look like child's play). So it wont be working for me as much as I would like to partake.
For those of you WITH time to spare and in search of adventure, check out the latest offering. I wish the organizers and merchants well on this endeavor. As I have said before, finding a good hunt these days is difficult. We need alternatives.
See last night's post for fashion details.
Pose by: the suitcase