Not To Be Missed
Vanity Hair's Swing Out vintage "do" with a myriad of military style cap types to choose from by super pretty hud, is SO FUN. This is the army nurse corps. This is a collaborative work from B&W and Vanity Hair. Available at Free*Style - 8th Anniversry Site. Uniform? Why it is from Ducknipple, the DN Mesh: Helga Outfit. Sometimes my inventory amazes me *wink*.

I was definitely born at the wrong place and time. I love this!
If you are addicted to really really really high heals with really really really REALLY pointy toes -- then do I have something for YOU! The ***ArisAris/B&W~Gara16~Stepping Jauntily heels feature a huge hud with choices that go on forever.
I LOVE these huds. While I pretty much never play with all the intricate options I find that there is almost always the perfect color or pattern in the "show me the choices honey" area on the left - LOL. Lazy, lazy gal. You can find these at the main store OR at FreeStyle Supa8 event.
Addendum: I have to say that while I wasn't adding these shoes to the uniform styling above, they look pretty darn good albeit not terribly realistic as "uniforms" go :D.
This gorgeous top and pant set (oh so classy) is a remembrance - support gift from AnaMarkova. Giana Paris is absolutely stunning! Find it to the right of the entrance on the wall.
There is also a very pretty print top with a French print in the pack. A perfect hair style for something this classy is the SLF&O gift from -Sentinus Hair- Fitted Mesh Gloria. Matching Earrings and ring are a recent gift from Beloved Jewelry, parts of the Topaz Set Gift number 9.
Maitreya Mesh Body
.LeLutka.Mesh Head-STELLA
Mayfly Eyes
Poses by: Beehive, Helamiyo, LAP [nla]

I was definitely born at the wrong place and time. I love this!
If you are addicted to really really really high heals with really really really REALLY pointy toes -- then do I have something for YOU! The ***ArisAris/B&W~Gara16~Stepping Jauntily heels feature a huge hud with choices that go on forever.
I LOVE these huds. While I pretty much never play with all the intricate options I find that there is almost always the perfect color or pattern in the "show me the choices honey" area on the left - LOL. Lazy, lazy gal. You can find these at the main store OR at FreeStyle Supa8 event.
Addendum: I have to say that while I wasn't adding these shoes to the uniform styling above, they look pretty darn good albeit not terribly realistic as "uniforms" go :D.
This gorgeous top and pant set (oh so classy) is a remembrance - support gift from AnaMarkova. Giana Paris is absolutely stunning! Find it to the right of the entrance on the wall.
There is also a very pretty print top with a French print in the pack. A perfect hair style for something this classy is the SLF&O gift from -Sentinus Hair- Fitted Mesh Gloria. Matching Earrings and ring are a recent gift from Beloved Jewelry, parts of the Topaz Set Gift number 9.
Maitreya Mesh Body
.LeLutka.Mesh Head-STELLA
Mayfly Eyes
Poses by: Beehive, Helamiyo, LAP [nla]