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Virtual Creativity

I don't know about you but a lot of my friends and I are having trouble finding  excitement in shopping these days.  It seems more like work than play -- and that ain't good.  Now all of us are virtual teenagers in that  "old-timers" designation. We all have lots of stuff so finding something new that is different from something old can be a challenge.  

Enter The Black Forest Maasai Chess Game and Décor available at the new round of Cosmopolitan.  

This is a playable game for two. It is detailed with good LODs.  It weighs in at 10 land impact because of all the movable parts so it will not work for everyone.  It CAN be resized somewhat larger and still retain the 10 li cost.  I am guessing it would be mightily impressive as full size (no I didn't test the li at that size :D). 

A notecard that explains game play can be retrieved by clicking the poster.  


Serene said…
The Black Forest has so much awesomeness! I envy their scripting skills.

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