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Best Kept Secrets - Gift Cards at Shop and Hop

Most little girls growing up -- and some guys -- love to play dress-up. And, while role play is not my forte I still enjoy becoming someone else. This is the season to transform yourself and you can get a bit of wardrobe magic at Shop and Hop.

My grandmother was a wardrobe mistress at a popular vaudeville type event. Hence I had wondrous items like "too many holes for the stage" fishnet tights -- this long before holes were in.  Battered dance heels, boas lacking feathers, garters and other girlie things were in my pillowcase of wardrobe magic. 

So of course when given the opportunity to play ...

Poison Rouge has a gift card at Shop and Hop.  Pick that up and let's go shopping.  You need to venture over to the main store as the gift card will not work at the event. Activate your card by wearing and then "activate again" by saying that you want to transfer the credit to your account.  Whew!   

I spotted this headdress at the event and went looking through the village shops that surround a Fall themed square.  The headdress at the main store was a bit more than the gift card but happily I had some leftover credit from a previous year.  I now have 11 lindens in my account :D.   The headdress is available in a variety of colors and there is a version for the guys also.   One thing you may not know is that there is one shop on the Poison Rouge sim for the guys so they aren't left out at the event!

My fingerless gloves -- great for showing off your nails) were purchased with a gift card from MEVA at Shop and Hop. There, life is  a bit simpler. Wear the card -- click on your vendor of choice and buy.  You can also shop at the main store of course.  The gloves have a hud with many color choices. I also picked up some fun industrial earrings.  I have always loved MEVA'S jewelry.   

Makeup - Zibska and alaskametro -- all old and NLA

Pose by: SE Motion


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