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PBR Whiteness

A reader wrote the other day about PBR and a free mirror available at ARTSY.  It is a nice mirror (buy for$0) and there is a complete bathroom set as well as lots of PBR only items available at that store.  This is not the new official PBR mirror type now available but the "hack" that was on the first version of the Dutchie mirror.  So you appear further away then you would in a corporeal mirror.    

I should also let you know that there is a gift mirror at the Dirty Rat booth at Midnight Order. It comes with both PBR and legacy textures.  Since it is the newer version of SL mirrors you can compare!

I had been thinking about our "soon to be maybe" world of whiteness -- for those folks who have chosen or needed to stay on the pre-PBR viewers.  I have to say that while I have been exploring a lot and shopping some too, I haven't seen a lot of PBR only items out.  Those PBR items with backup legacy textures of course look just fine for me still.  If you don't get out much -- here is the look. SURPRISE  -- or now don't be cause ya know!

This is the set using a PBR viewer. I  have used the sim lighting.    

I really haven't seen all the much PBR only releases in my travels. There are quite a few at FaMESHed along with a newish popup explaining that if you see all white items you need to use a PBR viewer.  Many to most creators are adding legacy textures or offering BOTH PBR and legacy itesms.  IF I was going to make PBR items, that would be my choice also. 

I am pretty sure I haven't mentioned this but there IS reportedly a way currently (I have not tested) to "turn off" PBR --- BUT (and it is a big one) it involves DE derendering the item totally.  So for the folks that will be having computer issues down the line being able to create their own non-PBR space is a good thing.  I have always designed (RL too) with the "little guys" in mind so even though I will have few PBR issues I definitely recognize the inherent problems of this big change.

The only new PBR (partly) sim I have found will be coming up in its own post soon.  I will go on record saying that I think WATER looks way better under PBR. :D


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