Holiday Stress Relief

Busy months are on the horizon. Work, parties, friends and dare I say "stress"! You will need some down time to keep your equilibrium.
The Stories&Co. Jemima Bodysuit at No21 is perfect for exercise with figure hugging ability that is downright awesome. With plenty of pretty tones to pick from -- both light and dark -- I chose a lavender BECAUSE ...
it perfectly matched these cute tennis shoes (TipToe Sneakers vs2) from Ducknipple. They too come in various colors by hud, so you have a variety of mix and match possibilities. Maitreya, Belleza and Slink fits.
Along with shoes, Ducknipple now offers hair and while this style is a bit elegant for yoga, I just love it. Look for Alice.
Meva Sporty Sunglass 2
Yoga props by Cheeky Pea
Maitreya Mesh Body
.LeLutka.Mesh Head-STELLA
Lumae - Eirtae skin applier
Mayfly Eyes
Poses by: Kirin, aDORKable and LAP [nla]