Snow Walking

It's time to bundle up -- and you can do that in style with the new jacket from GizzA . The Ashley Faux Fur Jacket comes with a gorgeous warm scarf to keep you toasty warm and a hud with many texture combos to choose from. Find it at On9. Three lovely tones to choose from, it comes with jeans (denim and leather mix). I went for an uptown look adding slacks. Either way, a great outfit. Belleza, Slink, Maitreya.
Also at On9, The Oak - Astrud Round Glasses with a big choice of colors. Super cute, they give you a wide-eyed innocent look -- or maybe not so innocent *wink*.
My very pretty nails are from Nailed It. Many colors and patterns in packs can be found at On9 for Belleza, Slink and Maitreya. Drop by and see all the goodness.
And for tripping across the snowy lanes, we have Garbaggio // Wrap Booties. Many colors available and both Maitreya and Slink fits.
Baiastice Cigarette Trousers
Maitreya Mesh Body
.LeLutka.Mesh Head-STELLA
Lumae - Eirtae skin applier
Mayfly Eyes
Poses by: Behavior Body, Status and Adorkable