Linden Lab's New Mainland Experience - HORIZONS

Some unplanned late night adventuring came my way when I read two articles on the just announced Horizons area built by Linden Lab.
A new game experience as well as thirty six sims of residential land has been unveiled. The land (adult rated) goes on auction beginning the 18th. Info on land can be picked up (in a box) here. House demos don't seem to be active yet and this info hub isn't showing up on the map so it must be new.
The land can be single owner or group residence.
From the notecard:
Your Horizons parcel is a 32 m x 32 m square, with a land area of 1024 sq m. Anywhere else in Mainland regions, a parcel that size would have a Land Impact allowance of 351. In Horizons, however, your parcel has a L.I. allowance of 702. You can do a lot of building and decorating with an allowance that size.
You have two options for building:
1. You may build your own house or other building on the parcel or
2. You may use a Horizons Home.
If you build your own home, you have freedom to choose the style and size of the building, as long as it fits on the parcel and is within your L.I. allowance.
If you choose to use a Horizons Home:
* Your Horizons Home is free of charge and will not count against the L.I. allowance for your parcel.
* You may choose among 6 standard styles
* You may place any one of them in a preset location on the parcel, and you may change the style as often as you like
* You may choose from a menu of colors and style options for the house, and you may change them as often as you like.
You may change your mind about whether to use a Horizons Home or build your own at any time, as often as you like.
Some of the houses are quite nice and others not to my taste, but residents can choose their abodes from a magical mail box and decorate a bit with tints and other choices. According to the official post you can also rez your own house here -- hopefully fitting with the theme which is to my mind a cross between Disney's original Tomorrowland and "Little Boxes On the Hillside".
A new game, also futuristic, is available for those that want to test their skill. There are prizes to be won (not so great from my point of view, especially for adults) as well as 'random' money rewards. But not everyone can win the money. There are some hoops to make your way through if you want those lindens in your pockets.
The game looks interesting nevertheless and the build is fun to explore. You can be an active gamer or an observer; your choice. Or, you can be sneaky like me and just cam way into the first area.
There is a hud of course and you need to complete the quests in order. You can come back when you like and continue from where you left off; so sayeth the info panels anyway. There are videos to watch but even though I followed the instructions they didn't show up for me. (Edit: I am guessing this is the QuickTime issue which is apparently fixed in the Linden viewer but not in Firestorm yet.) Hopefully they are also on YouTube somewhere. [Yep; a little difficult to understand but it is here: ]
My outfit was unplanned for my jaunt, just what I was wearing.
. a v a l e - L I N D A - Tres Chic (opens Thursday) Exclusive dress has many great color combos (some wild and fun) as well as solids. A great fit and nice detailing are bonuses.
Vanity Hair::Suite in G Major also at Tres Chic
Poses by: Helamiyo