Fire Trees and Icy Stars

Saying goodbye to Fall is difficult. At its best it is my favorite season. Colors blaze with brilliance and warmth. Cool nights remind us that time moves in cycles.

From Roawenwood, the Autumn Fire Tree Pack at We Love Roleplay (closes November 30). Eight different trees in all -- all very lovely and all very low land impact.
From BIGBULLY, the Grid Pavilion at Draftsman. Tons of character and lovely shadow patterns, this is a photographers dream prop. It of course could JUST decorate your home :D.
Also at Draftsman, this Twilight - Romantic Telescope from WarmAnimations. Texture change with lots of couples poses, it is only 3 land impact.
Ducknipple - HipsterF - Vest
MEVA rings
Poses by: Warm Animations telescope