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Shades of Brown

Shades of Brown

Hints of Autumn are moving across the grid. Time to delve into closets for warmer attire and earthy colors.

My 2017 guy avatar is looking mighty spiffy these days. Here's the scoop.

Out for Hello Tuesday from {Fe Style} the Witron Jacket  w/T-Shirt [Brown]. Wander over to the Fe Style shop to gather in the bargain. Standard sizes.

And from A&D Clothing Dexter Jeans which come with a great hud (and lots of bonus tones) in the fatpack. These have a great fit and a built in belt. Realistic wrinkles and a choice of material options by hud add to the value. Many mesh body fits; I am wearing the classic on my EXMACHINA Davide body and that works very well.  Find these inside the main venue shopping mall at Cosmopolitan.

Poses by: Diesel Works


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