Spring Walk

It isn't QUITE Spring in my neck of the woods, but it is getting close. And happily it can be Spring if we want it to be in our virtual land.
I got myself a super creative denim jacket. It is oversized so that various garments fit underneath. It is ripped here and there (very convincingly) and is just plain fun.
Here's the scoop.
N-Uno - Sofiya Jacket V2 -- V1 has super long sleeves.
N-Uno - Sofiya Bodysuit
N-Uno - Sofiya Bra
This is a gacha at The Chapter Four (sponsor booth outside the main building).
Some super cute tied up hair from no.match @ Cosmopolitan compliments perfectly. The band has texture change options but the default matched my outfit in the making perfectly, so I will explore those another time. Look for "No Class".
Jeans are {MYNX} Used Skinny Jeans -- a great fit!
My location is Templeton Farm.
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