Eleran's Crafts
For Fantasy lovers or those who want to shop early for October costumes -- bounty awaits. Eleran's Crafts is also celebrating a ten year anniversary; (that was obviously a busy year for event starters). To make it even more fun the gift room is sorted by dates! Hence you can watch the progress of fashion over the years. Much fun.
Clothing is fitmesh and with mod accessories and I had no problem with fitting. Items for the guys are well represented also.
This is JUST A SMALL PART of the EC-Aine WHITE. Other colors come in the pack. Shoes, socks and elaborate witch hat are also including as well as other accessories. So this is just a taste of what you will find.
Hair: MINA Hair - Elowen
This is EC-Lady Maria and again only a small portion of the complete set.
The detailing is really lovely on these garments with great boots and gloves in this set.
These are just two of oh so many full outfit gifts graciously given.
So get your fantasy on and go "shopping".
This post was in part brought to you by Ryan Schultz. Our tastes rarely collide and if you check his post you will see that MY looks differed from his by a mile or two even this time. But I do appreciate the tip.
Photos taken in the fantasy section of Belli.