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For those of you with a partner -- or even those of you that just like pretty Fall themed furniture and have a friend, there is a new bench for you.  The Autumn Couples Garden Bench is from -Hanaya- . The bench comes with three synced animations and my tests showed that it worked well even with avatars of unequal sizes.

The bench is quite lovely as a garden decoration. You can sit by yourself, but in order to use the animation above, you seem to need a partner who has left you. Perhaps this title should be contemplation :D.  The new release is available for testing at the shop. /1a adjustments are included. The bench is mod and I have tinted it darker here to go with the Bayou decor. There are lots of hunts going on there, so keep an eye out for goodies as you peruse.

Also in the couples arena, there is a very nice Endless Love Walker from Kabuki. It is on a dollarbie hunt that started mid-month. I figured out where the prize "should" be when I was hunting there for STEAM and happily remembered to go back and check. The clue has something to do with "relaxing after a long day" and the prize vendor is on the second floor. Easy to figure out really. The good looking two prim tree comes with the poseball set. You can use the walk with or without the tree. You could even use the tree without the walk - LOL.


Moriko Inshan said…
Nice pics :-) Thank your for the review!

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