Dark Nights
A little fashion and a lot of clubbing -- your own if you want to go pick up the newest group gift from Yasum Designs. The night club with owner's quarters came out a few days ago at a party along with some mesh overalls, safely packed away for when Firestorm adds that viewablity.
The club is large, impressive and filled with details. Parts such as pool table, bed, furniture and the like are separate from the building so you can use those even if you don't have room for the 142 prim build.
Aside from the layout and art of the general build, my favorite room is the bedroom which features murals of Gandhi and Martin Luther King along with quotes.
The build is meant for the ground, but if you added a few invisible walls or placed it in a surround, it would work very well in the sky. Modern and dramatic, it is sure to please lots of SL clubbers.
My outfit is the less covered version of the new Sigyn release from Blue Blood. The skin I am wearing is from Elfenground and is part of a full Black Cat avatar which is also out free at Yasum designs. Find the large boards on either side of the skin shop that you face when you TP in. My SLURL above is at the Black Cat avatar board; the nightclub gift is on the opposite side of the skin shop. Don't miss looking around. There are lots of new items just out in a mesh store as well as lucky chairs and lots of previous group gifts scattered around.
Poses by: Vista Animations