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H is for Hunting

I've been On The Hunt some more and have a few great things to show you. Up first is a complex couples animation from X-CLUSIVES ANIMATIONS (adult sim) called "body shots". It is very nicely done and quite lengthy with lots going on. Honestly, you probably have better drink and lime props in your inventory, but the animation is stellar!

Also in the animations and prop category is one of my favorites of the hunt so far, this Cuddle Hipbar from Off Brand Furniture. It is both texture change for the padded rubber piece, and full of great single and couple's animations and poses. You have the ability to sit as "A" or "B" should you be doing poses with friends of difficult sizes and you can even fiddle a little and get interesting combinations.

My outfit is new and includes pants from Trapt  (part of prize) and a bra top from Gothica (some nice panties and a very feminine corset comes with the set). My extremely cute cap and hair is a freebie at Ronsem. No hunting required; just find it on the wall.

These are two of the single poses and animations included with the bar. So many choices. So much fun!

Last up on this much longer than usual post is a very impressive fantasy scene from DramaZone. This is actually on the Twisted Hunt. I found it by accident while looking for the On The Hunt prize. I was amazed as I seldom find Twisted prizes :D. 117 prims in the build plus the deletable rezzer (a rock). It takes up space though so 512 lots need not apply *wink*.


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