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The Absence of Shadows

There is of course a story that goes with this photo.

I had a house and garden post planned for this slot. Photos in the can and all that. Then, on the last shot I really loved the light and thought, "you really DO need a new profile picture" - and that is very true. Since I was sure I had the perfect pose in my huge collection of not gone through completely poses from the big Do (link to the fair in the credits), I opened a few new boxes.

Now I never found the portrait pose that I needed. I am sure there are at least a dozen that would be perfect, but today was not the day for a new profile it seems. But, along the way I found this new pose from aDORKable and immediately fell in love. Happily, aDORKable poses not only come with mirrors but they are mod. That means I can write a note to myself in the name of the pose. I do that often when the option is available to me. So happy gal, I took this photo up on my building pad.

There is more news -- in my corner of the virtual world anyway. While I have no verification that it is true, it "seems" like the new server code that was supposed to improve our framerates by leaps and bounds has arrived. I was filming yesterday and having issues with framerate. Slooooow. Then I logged on again last eve, checked my framerate and saw 189 zip across the screen. How can that be? I had never seen more than 149 and that was a break out the champagne moment.

THEN I turned on my shadows to film. Oh my! 8.6. Same sim. Same time. Same viewer. I continued to film with shadows but it was painful. On the upside, this improvement (if it really wasn't a fluke) is great for most folks. Things work perfectly of course up here on my building pad where there are few scripts, textures et al. But just in case you run with shadows and notice a sharp stab in your heart while trying to photograph ....  :D.

I read a comment a couple of days ago about the great improvement in frame rate. It included a side comment about "but not with shadows". I hear ya.

I am wearing a newish top by 1 Hundred and another color of those great harem capris from SLC. Fashion photos coming up tomorrow.

Pose by: aDORKable from the Simple set at Pose Fair 2013.


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