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Fallen Angel

If you are looking for fantasy, you can find that too at On9 this round.   The Fallen Angel gacha offers wings, drapes and halos in a variety of colors. Look for the Me Sew Sexy booth in the center of the venue.

The wings are quite spectacular, the drape mostly for daring gals and photo shoots *wink* -- and we ALL could use a halo or two!

A perfect coordinate for our not so sedate heavenly attire are these :::ChicChica::: Kika  Heels and Citrin Ankle bracelet. Find them nearby also at On9.

The skin I am wearing is the new group gift from Lumae.  The Eirtae set comes with pretty much anything you might need. I am mightily (MIGHTILY) impressed with the huds which are all in one for both body and heads and super easy to use.  Three eyebrow styles are included (no brows, pale blonde and brown).  A couple of clicks and both head and body are in their new skin.

My hair is a new release from eXxEsS, Truffle. With two big huds packed full of color choices it is difficult to decide on your look of the day. There is a hud to change the tiny bands holding the top pony tails.

Maitreya Mesh Body

.LeLutka.Mesh Head-STELLA

Mayfly Eyes

Poses by: grafica at On9 (current round)


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