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Misty Pink Dawn - Free Cheap and New

Trying a new format that will hopefully appear now and then when new things get styled alongside gifts and hunt prizes as well as bargain sale items.  

Here we go:

Free -- 7DS] - BODY 2020 SUNSET bom skin MILKSHAKE, This is one of two new skins (both very light and especially appropriate for the season) in a Halloween pumpkin hunt at 7 Deadly S[k]ins.   This is not an easy hunt and unless you are a die hard hunter you will need to cheat. Small pumpkins are hidden inside things and in floors, ceilings and the like. 

Derendering will often be necessary in order to click on the pumpkins. Other skins included in the six pumpkin hunt (there is one decoy) are older group gift skins.  This is a BUY FOR ZERO hunt so no need to be part of the group. 

There are skins for guys (all older) for the guys also, but again NO group needed. 

Cheap Doe: Kitt - Flux - Cute piggies in a choice of two huds, both with a wide variety. Out for the Saturday (and Sunday) sale. 

New - KUNGLERS - Farah set at Cosmopolitan - comes with texture change hud. Always a good value.   

alaskametro "My Nudes" nail polish
alaskametro "Black Magic" shadow - 02

Pose by: Kirin and Amacci neck pose hud


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