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Summer Casual 25T

Even though summer looks far away in my corner of the corporeal world, we are going into hot weather in virtual land -- for many of us anyway.  And what better way to announce that the warm days are here than with a wearable beach bag stuffed full of goodies. 

Find the BE - Summertime Bag  complete with hud for both towel and accessories at Belle Epoque on a 25 linden deal. 

In the aftermath of all  (ALL) those lovely May gifts from the Cosmo crowd it is difficult to feel like we deserve more, but more we have.

Out this week in the group gift stands (free group):

Printemps 22 Pink Flower Planter from Kaerri - but and ten land impact. No mod. 
:::ChicChica::: Summer milkshake - left and right hold models in the pack.

VINYL - Luna Jean Shorts/Hoodie Pak Red
Stories&Co. Signature Tube Top
VINYL - Luna Denim Shorts
KUNGLERS - Carissa  bracelets

Hair: TRUTH / Lullaby

Building - retextured ChiC buildings Row Houses

Posea by: Helamiyo and  Vista Animations


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