Being Grateful
I haven't "done" Thanksgiving for over two decades now. My day will consist of pumpkin pancakes (a thrill when you are doing a minimal carb food plan) and some freshly brewed coffee in my new and tiny coffee pot.
But I do stop and reflect on all that I have and all that I am grateful for. I try to do that lots more often than yearly, but hey -- whatever works.
Meanwhile thanks for the comments that didn't appear for a very long time. Blogger has NOT been good on its backend this month. My statistics are non-existent most days. That is OK as I would be typing here even if it was to only five folks or so LOL.
And about that SO POPULAR Yabusaka post from a step far back in time. Now and then a post gets picked up in a search somehow and is posted "out there" with links to an article. For many years it was a "Where Does Plum" begin post from the FIRST 52 Weeks of Color challenge. I suspect there was something to do with Pantone; this time I have no clue.
But yes, it is fun to go back in time. Try typing in a word or a creator in search and see what you find. With over 6000 post Blogger sometimes misses a few but often I can find what I am looking for and THAT is pretty amazing. So many things I have forgotten over the years -- and so many that I instantly remember that time and place like it was yesterday.
And yes, I am grateful for all that.
Have a great holiday if you celebrate.