The New Second Life Webpage Viewer
New Year - New Viewer!
I tried it out for a few minutes. Looked good really. I could NOT however figure out how to move or cam or -----
There were plenty of menus present so it looks like you can preform most activities which is great. I am guessing that there IS a way to move properly and I am just missing the point. I am ALSO guessing someone will speedily make a tutorial. Since I logged into my PBR free area I am not sure if this is a PBR viewer.
There are plenty of selfies on this forum thread so presumably most testers (some anyway) figured out the interface.
Linden Lab tried a web viewer a very long time ago (maybe fifteen years?) I was in Winterfell and we were one of the drop off areas for the folks that were coming in via a web browser. That try had a very "dumbed down" version of the viewer so you really couldn't do much and that was the biggest complaint. It looks like this has possibilities.
Give it a try.