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Who's Minding the Store?

I scan the SL forums a few times each day -- looking for newness and importantness and just plain interestingness. An in my zillions of minutes there I certainly have noticed that people like to complain. But of late there seems to be more substantial comments about support tickets never being answered (like a week to a month and more) and that really isn't good.  

Berry seems to be back (or someone using her account at least) busily posting events on the forum thread and someone (FINALLY) seems to have changed the "recently added" on the Destination Guide. When I was there a week or so ago about half of the places were closed, deserted, not available or missing.  To be honest I didn't CHECK the brand new listings aa nothing looked the least bit interesting so just because they changed I guess it doesn't mean the places are "still there" :D; who knows if anyone actually checked?

And yes this is a filler comment.  A lot of my creator guys are kinda quiet these days.  I will try and find some bits of news to pass along.   I promise.  


A scary remark on the forums this morning was that Tilia is charging Japanese people a thousand times more than what SL said they would pay to buy linden dollars.  Tilia only replied it was SL's problem.

AND MORE repots on Tuesday. This is NOT good. 


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