A Tealy Hello Tuesday
Is the color of the week going to be TEAL? I'd have to check on that.
Nope, that's a month away.
And who knows if this is really teal or "aqua" as the Seniha. Sienna Dress suggests? This cute fishnet "tee" dress comes two versions in the pack with the second being a printed camo style. All for 50 lindens. Note that the vendor photo shows the camo version with text strips instead of fishnet but there is a hud that lets you pick between white on black or black on white text OR white or black fishnet.
Even better? the MINIMAL - Trailer Gacha is only 35 lindens and since you get a trailer on every pull it's one of those can't really go wrong gambles.
My hair and glasses were already in my inventory, but they too area out at Hello Tuesday today.
NO.MATCH_NO_SUFFER B (black pack)
Deep Static :: DS :: Irina Glasses