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Buying - Not Buying and How People Buy

A Rusted Development - 2012
(if this doesn't work for you - here is the YouTube link.)
Note some arty nakedness in here.   

A new thread on the forums asks if people would be willing to NOT buy anything for a year. That is certainly NOT the answer in my mind to the current consumerism issues but along with lots of comments (one of them mine) this showed up and I thought it was a perfect example of the mentality of many folks --- and indeed at least part of the problem. Some blame goes to creators who are not willing to help break the cycle.

 I have been thinking about all this still (it is Wednesday eve as I type this) and my "prediction" on that forum thread is that we will likely be losing a lot of our best creators (and of course others too) if people don't realize what is going on here.  And that reminded me of the great Exodus of 2013 when the TOS changed to give Linden Lab virtually ALL rights to people's creations.

What happened then -- for those not here or not remembering -- is we lost a HUGE (really huge) percentage of our artists. The guys that made glorious builds for LEA and other regions decided they didn't want to play by the new rules and left.  Some of them went to Opensim which of course has its own issues and many creators just disappeared. 

Me?  I spent a year in Opensim and Inworldz (not exactly Opensim) and uploaded ONE texture in SL all year and that was it. The texture was a sign for the Machinima Open Studio Project that I was running for LEA at the time.  

I came back eventually and slowly. Many to most creators did not. If you missed the years before that exodus it was one of the best times for creativity in Second Life.

Most of us old folks have plenty of inventory even if we don't build. There is an abundance of things already made. So having creators disappear will not implode the grid. It will however diminish it just like the arty exodus did over a decade ago. 

So I guess I am drawing my line in the sand here. And I have to admit that I am having a difficult time finding  posts for six days a week this year.  So we will see where that goes. 

I am HAPPY to post. I just need something worthy to post about - LOL.


Bannod said…
I don't buy nearly as much clothing as I used to. The designs all start to look the same and there are very few styles that intrigue me. I don't do the skimpy/hooker/butt cheeks showing look. I'm very much a texture snob and there are very few designers that fit the bill. Even those with textures I like haven't changed their colors in 5 years or more. Clothing for the most part has become very boring. Houses are the mostly the same story. There are only two that I consistently buy houses from, as the styles and textures are always top notch. Furnishings and decor are still interesting, Thank goodness.

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