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I have had a landmark to AeonFlux for quite some time. New fantasywear has been elusive or I haven't been paying attention.  But tonight was the night. My new Midnight Mania outfit from PeKaS was perfect. I picked it up at Gor Fest thanks to Shay (landmark here).

AeonFlux is rich in detail and a perfect backdrop for this outfit. While the shadow warrior set came with boots (nice boots), they were the oversized variety and I just don't feel right in footwear designed for Amazons. Hence,  I opted for boots from A-Bomb. I added my all time favorite Goth/Sci-fi/You-name-it collar, an opening gift from long, long ago -- and I was set.

It was fun exploring. It was fun taking slightly outrageous photos. It was fun -- not being "me".

Click on any photo for a high rez version. You may need to enlarge further with the zoom tool.

Style Notes: 

Hair: *mia* Hair WILD WOMAN (old)
Skin: Female Black Jaguar - Valentines Red (old)
Clothing: PEKAS shadow warrior (midnight mania)
Shoes: A-BOMB Courtney Boots
Accessories: Mayhem Search Goggles; G71 Ring Choker - Silver 3rings gothic

Poses by: Vain,  ANA_mations


Anonymous said…
Fantastic outfit! I often go to the same places as you, it's nice to find good spots for photography. One of the reasons I like your blog - you use the SL world so creative in your photos, and show off the beauty and diversity.
Marianne Little

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