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This 'n That Wednesday

Bargains and freebies are the subject of today's post. If you are someone who watches the daily sales groups, then you may already know about this very cute steamer trunk from XEN BUILDS. It is Wednesday's bargain and includes a bowl of strawberries and a tulip in a vase as props. Happily these are separate from the trunk with sit pillows, so if you are prim challenged as I am, you can use just the trunk.

There are two sitting spots, each with four sits. The poses are adjustable with a "save" option. The controls are a bit different than the typical /1a menu, but with just a little experimentation, I figured it out. The heads are loose on at least some of the poses which I appreciate as it gives a real feel and more photo opportunities. There is an example trunk next to the sale vendor, so you can try out the trunk and see if the poses work for your avatar -- always a plus.  If you venture over to Xen Builds  be sure and check the four lucky boards as well as the very pretty shoji screen SOM gift.

Just in case your favorite "herbal cannabis" died from overtrimming *wink*, you can get a free replacement (shown at bottom left). The cute 3 prim plant adds a touch of whimsy to your living space.

The hemp  plant as well as a cute free radio hales from CHABINNS, a shop I found this morning through the SL Home and Garden group. It is filled with inventive items including some very nice wearable accessories.

A pretty place, it is fun to explore.

This Rubik's cube with animation (continuous twirling) is lots of fun and works well with my AO. It would make a great AFK animation when you are out and about in the real world and leave your pour avatar alone and unattended :D. It is also free from Chabinns.

Click on any photo for a high rez version. You may need to enlarge further with the zoom tool.

Style Notes: 

Hair: Amacci Hair Carletta ~ Henna
Skin: []::Tuli::[] Tanya (tone 1/br) :: preview
Clothing: ~*RunoRuno*~ Teddy; [Sassy Kitty Designs] French Beach Fashionista Swimsuit Sheer  (old hunt prizes)
Shoes: ~*RunoRuno*~ Teddy (old hunt prize)


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