Bringing you the best of Second Life since 2008.

While I've Been Gone --

-- the world hasn't changed much.

But I have.

A week isn't a hiatus for most people, but for someone who has often made life altering decisions in the blink of an eye -- it is enough.   I could have simply posted tomorrow, but so many SL citizens, bloggers and content creators are at a crossroads, I decided to include a little philosophy with my return.

My plan is simple one:
Follow your bliss
Flow around the rocks
Jump into the Vortex and savor the joyous ride
For me, that means:

Quality over quantity postings
Art above merchandising
Embracing creativity and beauty

I see a lot of people going through the motions in our virtual world. Old timers are tired; the newness is gone and the spark of discovery and enthusiasm elusive. I was in that crowd. Sometimes we forget that we make choices every minute of every day. We can follow a path that enhances and enriches our lives or we can plod through old territory that we have boxed ourselves into.

All it takes for a new viewpoint is a change of direction.

Chic is dressed in new duds and will be heading out today or tomorrow for an adventure. Stay tuned.


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