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Hunting and Gathering for August

According to

Rad Minds Inc. Hunt  which appears to be a smallish $20 hunt. My instincts tell me that $20 is too high for a grab bag you have to hunt for *wink*, but if there is enough press and Flickr promotion with photos, it may work well. I hope to be showing you some items from The Platinum Hunt;  at least I sent in my application *wink*.

The second shift in the gridwide hunt scene can be noticed in the Gother Than Thou Hunt which is a SL Group Hunt. This idea intrigued me, so I joined the group on rumor that it might be closed before the hunt. I forgot who posted that, but thank you whoever you are. The Thrifty Goth group is QUITE an adventure. They are a very, very chatty bunch. So be prepared for constant IMs going on. I'm actually liking it and I've TPed over to a couple of Midnight Mania boards today, so you may see me in black and pale soon.

The last hunt on my personal August list is the Sl House and Garden Hunt. It begins August 1, so it is the first for me. Happily, hunts are being staggered, so that helps some. The SLHGH is only for a week.

That's my heads up hunt report as we head into August.


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