Home Away From Home
Being homeless in SL is not fun. And even those of us that have houses and shops often find ourselves out of prims. If either one of these scenarios sounds familiar, you will be glad to know about Blueberry Hill. Filled with interesting backdrops for photo shoots and a huge expanse of open lawn to build on, it could definitely be called "home". There is even a cove if you need to photograph a boat, a dock or a surfboard *wink*.
You can read all about it here. You will need to join the SL House and Garden Group in order to rez or build, but even if you have no slots left, you can still visit and use the props. There is also a photo contest going on. Pick up the information notecard at the TP spot.

My very pretty summer set is a new release from Indie Rose. There are plenty of new things to see at the shop, so venture over and have a look.
Click on any photo for a high rez version. You may need to enlarge further with the zoom tool.
Style Notes:
Hair: Amacci Hair Carletta ~ Brown Auburn
Skin: []::Tuli::[] Jade (tone 3/li) :: The Deck (b)
Clothing: ~*INDIE ROSE*~ Boho Multilayered Gypsy Skirt; ~*INDIE ROSE*~Tubetop (j) *Blue*
Shoes: A-BOMB Phoxxe Shoes-Patent
Accessories: [Baubles] Summer of Love Bracelet silver - natural stones -
Poses by: xbordeaux