A Walk on the Beach

Hair Fair is underway with styles for everyone. This is my personal favorite of the year, NO.ICETEA by no.match. There are several versions of this theme which can be worn by girls and guys.
Lots and lots of details, make this a winner in my book. Mini color huds in brown, red, blonde and black (which includes a white version).
Find them here and get your summer on!
By the way, the sims are still full as I type this post. If you have problems getting in, there ARE adjacent "camming" sims. OR you might just like to play "hit yourself against the invisible wall" rather than hitting the teleport button repeatedly. Check out the map and you'll find your way.
Happy hair shopping.
Maitreya Mesh Body
.LeLutka.Mesh Head-STELLA
Lumae - Eirtae skin applier
Mayfly Eyes
Pose by: STATUS