Hair Fair 2016 Preview
Hair Fair 2016 opens tomorrow!
I spent the early morning hours walking the streets there -- well, actually the sidewalks as this year's theme is retro movie making backlot style. Perfect little lollipop painted mid-century abodes house some pretty spectacular hairdos.
It took me exactly one hour to walk the Fair. This with a few photo op stops, some gift retrievals and a demo purchase. Teaser shots follow.
While many shops are in the minimalist category for decor, some folks decorated in style!

Tableau Vivant wins my personal prize for style this year! Click the photo for an up close view.
Bandanna styles include some original designs. Watch for the shops as you wander the streets.
Hair Fair Tips:
* Join the Hair Fair demo group and try before you visit.
* Leave your mesh body, head, scripted hair and jewelry at home. Better yet, wear the invisible avatar alpha layer in your inventory's Library folder.
* Turn down your draw distance; turn off shadows and advanced lighting.
* Keep going in one direction and follow the sidewalks and you'll complete a tour of the sims without missing anything.
* Look carefully for gifts (some are not obvious).
My gifts of the Fair post coming up post haste :D.
Sasy Scarborough