In the Company of Women

While I was wandering around Indie TeePee on press day, I found this installation by Hillany Scofield. Being a smart little cookie -- and since I had already gotten lost once or twice -- I landmarked the spot for easy return.
After my official blogging chores were completed, I zipped back over to inspect at my leisure.
There is a story of course, but the final paragraph is that my photos took place in an unfinished installation. Truly, I was entranced and since I do believe heartily in "simple" I will have to wait and see if I prefer the completed build over the interim :D. I suspect I will like both but for different reasons.
Artist's works frequently contain two stories -- what we are trying to say and what our audience perceives as our message. They are often vastly different. Long ago and far away I was a surrealist painter. There would be gallery openings with the necessary "talk from the artist" and inevitably folks would ask what I MEANT in my painting. Most often I would tell them that I didn't really know. That at the time of the painting I had no clue what I was trying to say -- I simply painting into the future. At that time the chronology was about five years ahead.
That of course gave them pause, and while true -- it didn't really matter. As artists (from my point of view anyway) our job is to stir people's imaginations and help them along their own journey. Our stories are our stories; theirs belong only to them.
There was no information about this installation out yet when I visited on Press Day and that was fine with me. But it is always good to know the artwork from the artist's point of view. Agreement is of course a choice :D.
Be sure and visit.
Here is the artist statement from the exhibit:
The ReCreation
Installation by Hillany Scofield.
Either find your place or lose yourself in the grid of impressions and projection.
Second life is about you and the ability to find your own fascination. Find yourself. Position yourself. Be a part of the world which your imagination can create.
Take a picture :) - the lights are on you.
It s highly recommended to enable advanced lighting in preferences in order to view the installation fully.
An invitation to the visitor to be part of this little setting of projected lights and poseballs.
My outfit is one of the many colors of the {AnaMarkova} Hasina Jumpsuit (Daisy) available at On9 on the 9th. Hair Mousse by eXxEsS
Maitreya Mesh Body
.LeLutka.Mesh Head-STELLA
Lumae - Eirtae skin applier
Mayfly Eyes
Poses by: the installation