Free Avatar Makeover with eBody Mesh Body
Update June 2018: Since this makes it to the "popular" list now and then I wanted to mention that there is a CLASSIC version of eBody (not so curvy) which I didn't know about at this writing. Still free with a 1 linden group join.
By June there are lots more clothes available for curvy (and classic which already had a fair amount of clothes and which can often use the Maitreya fit). Di look WAY different now and is an eBody blogger, so if you have an eBody or eBody FREE classic body -- watch the current pages for great clothes, many for free.
Update February 2019: The new version of eBody has plenty of new features and there are demos in the store to try. There are still free bodies ($1 and free group)
Here is a recent picture of Di :D

****ARCHIVED original post below****
Long ago and far away Gogo put out a blogger challenge to make a brand new avatar (so not cheating as you wouldn't have any inventory yet) and get him or her decked out and spiffy for -- I think it was under $100 lindens. Nope, looking up the original post, it was $550 lindens. Lani came in at $0.
There were a lot more good hunts then so that made it pretty easy.
And that brings us to today.
eBody is giving away a $1 mesh body. It is "curvy" which translates into voluptuous in my vernacular -- too much woman for me. Since the new body is indeed NEW there are no clothes for it. For the most part, even the full version body can pretty much only use applier clothes IF you want to be hourglass in shape.
You can of course make a less than realistic shape underneath the body to tone down those curves and I did just that. But what happens with exiting mesh clothing? The answer to that great look in the lead photo is "going back in time" to standard sizing.
The BAD part about standard sizing in many people's minds was that it gave everyone the same shape. Yep. BUT if you are after a more streamlined silhouette without any lindens spent, standard is your friend.
The body happily comes with alpha slots making it actually usable, but they are big ones.
By turning off the body I could let the clothes to restrict the shape underneath. I needed either a turtleneck to hide the neck seam (no appliers for the free body) or a collar. Actually with this look, the body section isn't needed at all.
While I went for a covered up winter casual pants look, you can see that a long sleeved dress would work well too. You just need to find the style that fits with the right lengths and such. The free Wednesday dress at CoCo is an example of that style. It needs a scarf to fill in some "air" but that is doable and the new free one from Hilly Haalan might work very well (I haven't checked that yet, but if you are a dress gal, you might want to.
By the way shoes are no issue at all as Slink fits perfectly.
Lots of shopping and Marketplace looking and lots of demos later I had this look. The total cost was $125 for the cardigan sweater to pull the look together and $1 for the body. You can use the underneath sweater alone if you so choose making this a $1 avatar.
I didn't bother getting new eyes or skin or AO. All of those were already in inventory and had been free. I am guessing that 7 Deadly S[k]ins will have a group holiday advent event this year and I may be able to find a different system skin in a darker shade than she is wearing. If not, this works too.
It took me most of a day to complete this project and it was an adventure.
So that YOU don't have to work quite so hard, here are a few place you can look for current gifts that will work.
Delrio hair gift at Hairology 2nd birthday by *TUKINOWAGUMA
Shark Tooth Earrings from Prey - an SLO&F gift.
*COCO* Gift Turtleneck
*COCO* CowichanSweater(Grey) $125 (optional)
PREY - Chrispy Jeans Lara (group gift)
Entice - Baby, It's Cold Outside Boots - Tan UNRIGGED
Here is another example. Note there is a tiny bit of "air" near the collar but you get the idea :D.
Wednesday Dress from Coco
Hairology gift from no.match (hair) and Pink Hustler (darling -- and needed -- choker)
Essenz gift at Gacha Garden.
Poses by: ChiC buildings