Art and Nature

It comes in all forms.
From cinphul // gotrik [solstice] trees at On9. These are simply gorgeous and finely detailed with long LODs for distance viewing. They are "primmy" but if you have some to spare, definitely worth the look.
From CAROL G, the Finesse tattoo in black, white and red for most mesh bodies -- also at On9. Various densities of ink are a plus. This tattoo goes up into the neck area. MY Lelutka head is an old one so there is no way this can happen for me.
Still, it is a gorgeous tattoo and so I add a spiffy rigged choker from Amacci, the Yara - Double Choker with color change hud. Perfect for tattoos on old heads or ones without applier OR for that sometimes nasty neck to body seam when skins don't match perfectly.
MY "censored" band is part of a fishnet top set by Nerido at Cosmopolitan. The fishnet tops are very nice, but to my mind, the star of the show is that band LOL. So fun!
R.icielli - PEYTON Shorts
*TKW* Drexler hair
Pose from Helamiyo's "Chic" set at The Chapter Four