
Darkness lies behind the facade.

It is a town known for its propriety.

Well dressed ladies dance gaily at balls, attend lectures -- and sometimes venture too close to the insane asylum on the hill.

I heard that Brigette was one of those proper ladies, until one foggy night when she lost her way.

What happened to her? No one really knows. But she lives alone now -- with her rats and her razor. Afraid of the bumps in the night; afraid of places she dare not return.
Visit the rats in Arkham >>
Style Notes:
Hair: top: Maitreya Piper II - Autumn, bottom Alli&Ali Designs "Rock Out" Hair Auburn
Skin: []::Tuli::[] Hope (ivory) 03 (PU)
Clothing: Brigette (new release - two styles - Dainty & Disturbed) by ~L&S~ Medieval Gowns & Swords
Shoes: ::Duh:: Women's Rust Cowboy Boot (new release - this color in the Lucky Chair)
Accessories: "Wild spirit" authentic INCA TEMPLE necklace, .:* LOULOU&CO *:. - A Small Cutting ? legband, Silent Sparrow sweeney straight razor, BLOODY MESS + Fallen Gods Inc. + blood splatters (pants layer)
Some items may be gifts, prizes or simply no longer available. If you are having trouble locating a particular item, feel free to send me a message in world or add comment here on the blog and I will do my best to answer your questions.

Download my Windlight settings for this locale HERE.
This was a fun shoot with little traveling as it was my backyard. Just as in my story, there seem to be two sides to the Miskatonic Valley, one calm and collected with lovely Victorian houses, and the other -- much darker *wink*. I am sure there are plenty of life parallels in that statement.

The boots are the newest release from DUH and come in tons of colors including a free light gray pair in the SOM. Fat packs, as always, are a great value. These include resize scripts and optional shoe for AO and walk sounds.
The leg band is filled with all sorts of little vials, scissors and an assortment of straight razors. I am guessing this was a hunt prize from last year so most likely not available, but if you need something like this, check with lolly Carlberg, the designer. The blood splatters that I wore over my long undies were indeed a hunt prize from long ago :D. I KNEW they would come in handy eventually.