Walking With Sages

Wisdom and history surround me. The stones themselves whisper a story.

Passion to be myself. Freedom to let myself release that passion.

I reach the heights of the mountain and I am surrounded by clarity--

contemplating my place in the Universe as day once again fades into night.
Visit Pathfinder Lowlands >>
Style Notes:
Hair: !!Calico Ingmann Creations!! Arianna - Light Auburn
Skin: []::Tuli::[] Hope (sunkissed/br) summer
Clothing: **Firefall** Luthien Green Dress
Shoes: * Pretties by JB * :: Short Stack :: Latte
Some items may be gifts, prizes or simply no longer available. If you are having trouble locating a particular item, feel free to send me a message in world or add comment here on the blog and I will do my best to answer your questions.

Download my Windlight settings for this locale HERE.
Backstory: I picked up the landmark for Pathfinder Lowlands when I was visiting Kingdom of the Sands. Believing that it was another role play sim, I was quite surprised to find a place of learning.
You can read more about the theme of this inspirational program here. You can also watch videos in the learning zones on the island. Not all are functioning at this time, but the introductory videos are available and work well. Click on various signs at the entry area to pick up informational notecards.

Whether you are at a crossroads in your life and want to explore the themes of this program, or simply want a wondrous place for meditation and quiet thought, these islands are well worth visiting. There are music events here weekly and two full sims of discovery. The build is impressive; the textures rich, the presentation stellar.