High Mesa Winds

Warm sands twist and turn among the rocks. Heat rises and ghostly water appears -- vanishing if we dare to near.

The desert calls -- whispering of the past, of times and places long forgotten.

We can lock ourselves away from its siren call. We can bar the door to our hearts. We can push away the memories that threaten our current lives.

Or we can rejoice in what once was and what might again be.
Visit Cormac >>>
Style Notes:
Hair: Tekeli-li! Eve GenII - Scripted Hair
Skin: []::Tuli::[] Hope (ivory) 02 (PU)
Clothing: OMFG Assassin's Cloak, WEiRD.DESiGNS Trashy Victorian Doll Socks,
Shoes: Zombie Boot - FREE at (Dernier Cri)
Accessories: [OMFG] Wing of Anchoring Fear
Some items may be gifts, prizes or simply no longer available. If you are having trouble locating a particular item, feel free to send me a message in world or add comment here on the blog and I will do my best to answer your questions.

Download my Windlight settings for this locale HERE.
Backstory: There is a magic about the high mesa desserts. People that live in the sparseness will often tell you it is so. Cormac holds some of that power.
From the notebook of the Relic Excavator...
As the burning days and cold nights pass over this region, I've sifted the sand and overturned many rocks, searching for clues of its mysterious past while watching out for quicksand or sudden storm of chalky dust whipping over the salt flat. Slowly with time and study, i've uncovered some curious ruins and witnessed a strange character from afar...
Buried in the north bank of the great salt flat is a strange stone courtyard bunker...a gathering place maybe for tribes that once made this barren land their home. I do not yet know the nature of the rituals they performed but clearly a sport or contest was involved. I and the other Wastelanders have reclaimed it, playing our own games in the stone court to relieve tensions. Some of us call the game Cabeza Muerta...others Death Ball or Death Head...
Perched on the face of the High Mesa are cliff dwellings that i'm slowly examining. The dusty rock masonry walls of the dwelling are tremendously old i suspect, however the two are quite distinct. Someone...maybe the aforementioned tribes...apparently fitted out the cliff dwellings to suit their needs of security or defense in very different manners...bone and hide versus concrete and steel...
Scaling to the top of the High Mesa, i've spent time looking out over the Wastelands. The wind is fierce and strong and inspiring. Thus, i salvaged together some pipes and sandworm hide to make large wings...large gliders that hang in the air, capable of carrying you far across the wastelands...or plummet hard into the sand and rock below if you fail to control the wide wingspan of skin and steel....
At times from a distance, i've witnessed a strange being hiking over the rocks of the Mesa from a far. It seems to sense my approach before i get close, intentionally avoiding me...especially with ease in the night...
...the work continues....
I've always wanted to visit The Wastelands, but when I tried to reach them I became lost. There could be a metaphysical reason for that; there probably is. Our adventures here are often layered with surprises. Last week I stumbled upon Cormac and the Wastelands and was thrilled.
This is not an area for everyone, certainly. It is dismal and harsh. There is a beauty though, and a lesson.
When I decided to return for a photo shoot this morning, I didn't have to think twice about what to wear. My OMFG items came from the $1 for anything sale about a year ago. I haven't had a chance to wear them much, but today was the day. While the original designer for OMFG is no longer involved, there is still a store run by StarSailor Luminos. There is also an update group and monthly dollarbies, so you can still shop if you like.
My new boots are part of the free Zombie set (includes hair, skin and outfit) from (Dernier Cri) . Find the vendor on top of the cases in the shop. The bumble bee outfit from last year is also available.