
Crossroads come when we least expect them. Our serenity shatters and we have no choice but to detour.

The past is safe with familarity. It beckons to us to take the easiest way, skip the difficult steps inherent in growth.

But flying over the minefields is not the same as navigating through them. We lose perspective as well as experience.
Be brave!
Visit the bridge to Midian City >>
Style Notes:
Hair: .:[ Tiny Bird ]:. Kissy Kissy - Stein Silver
Skin: []::Tuli::[] Hope (ivory) 06 (PU)
Clothing: ! RFyre Providence Womens Black
Shoes: [Decoy] Jully Boots - Onyx
Accessories: G71 Ring Choker - Silver 3rings gothic (Jackie Graves)
Some items may be gifts, prizes or simply no longer available. If you are having trouble locating a particular item, feel free to send me a message in world or add comment here on the blog and I will do my best to answer your questions.

Download my Windlight settings for this locale HERE.
Backstory: The Providence set was my very first prerelease post and I was utterly thrilled to be able to show off this beautifully crafted outfit. Some styles are timeless. This is one of them. As with many RFyre collections, the pieces mix and match to create stlyes that span moods and fill needs.
Midian City and the surrounding Midian sims are dark role play. Go prepared. Stay safe.