Dias de los Muertos

We have set your table -- favorite foods, bright colors

Candles burn, awaiting your arrival.

We will dance; we will pray.

We will remember.
Visit the Day of the Dead celebration in Terres de Mortes - all day November 1 >>

Download my Windlight settings for this locale HERE.
Style Notes:
Hair: Exile Cloe scarlet
Skin: []::Tuli::[] Hope (goth) 03 PU
Clothing: Sparkle Skye Dias de los Muertos (new release - review copy - on sale this weekend)
Accessories: included with outfit

Lovers of satin and lace will enjoy the mix of patterns over patterns. The veil with headdress is simply amazing.

I chose a Gothic skin from Tuli to accent the bold nature of this dress. Blood red hair blends with black roses, skulls and diamonds so easily, it is difficult to tell where one leaves off and the other begins.
Red, black, gray and ivory -- a wonderful accented neutral palette by day or by moonlight.
You can read more about the Day of the Dead, its origins and celebrations throughout the world at Wikipedia.
I've spent many winters in Mexico; not of late, but when a bottle of soda was a dime and only came with sugar :D. I spent much of my time in mountain towns such as Pátzcuaro and Querétaro
as well as a few towns where you could go a week and not see another gringa. I took part in several celebrations, but not a Day of the Dead.
I was pleased to find that Phil's Place will have an all day event at Terrez del Mortes. It is definitely an interesting place, so stop by if you have a chance.
The poem on the postcard is a Day of the Dead calaveras (short poem) from the web; author unknown.